"The Switchbone enables me to sculpt my guitar tone by running 2 amps separately or both at the same time. With phase adjust, drag, mid and gain control plus a mute function, this pedal was responsible for all guitar tones on my album 'Clean'."
"The PZDI by Radial is such a great DI when using guitars with built in Piezo pickups. The phase and ground lift switches when having two signals coming from one guitar keep the tone clean and big as it should be. The ability to switch each signal off be it Magnetic or Piezo or both on at the same time is a great feature as well. I love the quality and build of anything Radial makes. Built to last and made in Canada! Perfect!"
"The PZ-Select is the brain of my whole rig! It's made life so simple dealing with hum, phase, clunky cables, switching and fx loops... and fixes all of those issues! The PZ-Select is an incredible pedal!"
"Tonebone made it easy to create an abundance of different tones with either the Hot British or Classic pedals. The sounds are huge and real! These pedals are a must have for all guitar players."
Radial Gear
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