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Can I power the SGI TX using my pedalboard power supply?

Yes, the newest model of the SGI (The one that says “Jensen Equipped on the top) can be powered with most common pedalboard power supplies. You can feed the SGI anything from 9V to 15V, and it is compatible with both center-pin positive and center-pin negative polarity.

Can I use the SGI with bass?

Yes. The SGI is perfectly well suited for bass guitar for both live stages and studio recording.

Can I use other instruments such as a keyboard or even voice through the SGI?

Yes. Just make sure you do not overload the input as this will cause distortion. Keep in mind that the SGI is designed for guitar levels. Keyboards and line level outputs are significantly more powerful and should be attenuated.

Can I use the SGI as a re-amping device?

No. The SGI employs a proprietary balanced signal between the TX transmit module and the RX receive module, making in unsuitable for typical line level signals.

Why is the SGI bright yellow?

So you will be able to find the other end! Many studios are outfitted with a labyrinth of connector panels and piles of cables and the SGI can easily be left in one place or another. Bumble bee yellow should make tracking the SGI easy!

Does the Drag™ Control have any effect on active pickups?

You will hear very little effect if any when using active instruments as their buffered outputs will generally not be affected by an added load. The SGI’s Drag Control is really designed to affect passive electric guitars.

Can I connect effect pedals between the SGI and my guitar amp?

Yes of course! The SGI will work just like your guitar, only you will be able to play your amp several hundred meters away.

Do I need the SGI for shorter cables between 8 and 15 meters?

Not necessarily. Buffers such as the Radial Tonebone PB1, Switchbone, Loopbone and Twin-City all employ the same type of buffering found in the SGI and JD7. Although these do not balance the signal, you can easily drive cables yup to 15 meters (50 feet) using these.

Could the SGI cause noise or cross talk in a live touring snake system?

The SGI is completely analogue and is low level. You should not encounter any problem such as crosstalk or induced noise using the SGI.

Can I drive two amps from the output of the SGI RX receive box?

Yes you can. The SGI’s buffered output has plenty of drive for two amps. Note that as when driving any two amps you may encounter hum and buzz caused by ground loops. To avoid the problem simply connect the output from the SGI into a Radial ABY switcher like the Switchbone or the Twin-City.

Can I send the output of the SGI-RX to a distro like the Radial JD7?

Yes. Many top artists use it this way including Joe Perry from Aerosmith and Carlos Santana.

Can I also use the SGI as a direct box?

No, the SGI is not a direct box. The SGI-TX’s balanced output is designed to work with the SGI-RX receive module. The internal transformer has been surrounded by snubber circuits that alter the transformer’s response so that it sounds right.

What is the difference between the SGI and the SGI-44?

The SGI-44 is a combination send and receive module that is optimized for use with the JX44 Air Control. This employs a different set of transformers and incorporates a send and return module inside.

Can I use the SGI with the JX44?

Yes and No. You can connect the output from the SGI to the JX44 using the guitar input. But to use the SGI interface on the JX44, you need to use the SGI-44.

Can I run a guitar directly into a mixer using the SGI TX (transmit side)?

No. The SGI will enable you to drive cables as far as you need – upwards to 100 meters (300 feet) or more without degradation, but it must be used with its other half (RX/receive). Take the output of the RX box and plug into a high quality direct box before running into the mixer.

Can I use the SGI to extend the speaker cable between a amplifier and cabinet?

No. The SGI is intended for use with instrument level only. It is not equipped to handle high level speaker outputs.

Can I use the SGI through a bantam patch bay?

Yes of course! And studio tie lines.

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